Brigitte Braems: Service Transformation Manager

The 54-year-old Brigitte Braems works as a Service Transformation Manager at Axians. Being responsible for the coordination of operations, she manages all processes and tools to facilitate the smooth provisioning of Axians' managed services and IT services, for both internal and external customers. She is also dedicated to continuously improving colleagues' work processes as well as ensuring smooth transitions and flawless implementation during significant changes. To do so, she works closely with colleagues, meaning her position requires strong communication and interpersonal skills in addition to technical skills.

“My father taught me the basics of electricity from
an early age, and it was the most normal thing
in the world to me.”

  • Name: Brigitte Braems
  • Age: 54
  • Studies:  Master in Industrial Engineering, with a specialization in electronics (ECAM Brussels Engineering School)
  • Function: Service Transformation Manager
  • Hobbies: Diving, playing tennis and skiing

Were you fascinated by techniques from
a young age?

Brigitte: Yes, when I was in high school, we had a phone at home that had a completely transparent casing through which you could see all the electronic components inside. I was so fascinated by that that I decided to study electronics. When I made that choice, I was not aware that I would be going down a path that few other women choose. Along the way I realized that I work in a man’s world, but I grew up with a father who would let me help with technical chores and taught me the basics about electricity. Such knowledge and interest seemed like the most normal thing in the world to me. This is how I ended up choosing a job that I still really enjoy doing. My work has now evolved from telecom to IT, but my passion for technologies remains. My son is learning how to program and occasionally works on robotics projects. I like to help him with the technical aspects and he is able to teach me a lot about programming. My daughter studies architecture and finds it only natural that her mother can talk along on acoustic wavelengths. We complement each other and the passion is still passed on from generation to generation. 

Why did you choose to work at Axians?

Brigitte: My two previous jobs were at start-ups that were both acquired by a large company. I was looking for a large, stable group and preferably a technology company that constantly keeps up with the latest developments to stay relevant. I definitely found that at VINCI Energies. I love that VINCI Energies is a solid international group that, in my opinion, still offers the advantages of an SME. I ended up in a team where everyone gets along very well and I get enough freedom to come up with and work out my own projects. I therefore appreciate that the company trusts me to bring my ideas to life. 

What do you perceive to be the most valuable benefits of working at VINCI Energies?

Brigitte: I’ve only been working at VINCI Energies for ten months but I feel like it’s been much longer. In this short time, I have already been able to learn and contribute a lot. Moreover, the working environment is very friendly. I initially applied for another job, but this position was offered to me spontaneously. It is unbelievable that after just a few interviews, they were able to determine so accurately that this job is really made for me. Moreover, I am not the youngest anymore, but at VINCI Energies everyone is welcome and colleagues really respect each other. In my role, I will constantly be dealing with changes due to new technologies, so my work will always be exciting. I find constant adaptation positive. It is not only the changes in themselves that interest me, but also the path towards them. Then I have to understand the various needs of customers properly, work out solutions and involve my colleagues closely. This also makes my job very valuable on a human level. As Charles Darwin said, “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.” All these positive aspects make me already certain that I will continue working here until my retirement.