Kelly Van Mourik : Technical Administrative Assistant

The 48-year-old Kelly Van Mourik works as a Technical Administrative Assistant at Cegelec Fire Solutions NL. She acts as an important link between the work preparation and purchasing departments. Here, she supports the work planners in the project-based preparation of orders for materials, equipment and services, and provides administrative assistance to the project manager.

“I appreciate the straightforwardness of working
with men in the technical sector.”

  • Name: Kelly Van Mourik
  • Age: 48
  • Studies: Secondary education in tourism and recreation (Leiden)
  • Function: Technical Administrative Assistant
  • Hobbies: Fitness, spinning, zumba and taking motorbike driving lessons

Didn’t the traditionally ‘male’ technical world scare you off?

Kelly: Despite my background in the travel sector, a completely different world, I immediately felt at home here. In the technical sector there are more men than women, while in the travel industry it’s just the contrary. I work well with both women and men, but the straightforward way men communicate provides a clarity that I really appreciate. I can very much identify with this direct communication style. You instantly know what to expect. Moreover, working at VINCI Energies provided me with an environment in which I could make full use of my feminine qualities. It strikes me how much empathy and a unique fresh perspective are valued here.

How quickly were you able to settle in at VINCI Energies?

Kelly : The first moments into this new and very specific world were an adjustment. Fortunately, a colleague was a great support during my onboarding process and devoted a lot of time and attention to me. My other colleagues are also extremely helpful, which accelerates the learning process. If I ask for help or clarification, they are willing to guide me right away. They want to teach me a lot, which is good considering my curiosity and eagerness to learn. As a result, I am able to do my job better because I not only do what is expected of me, but also understand why and how it should be done.

Why did VINCI Energies speak to you as a workplace?

Kelly : What drew me to VINCI Energies was the combination of technology and the diversity of functions and roles within the company. The mix of mechanics, engineers and project managers creates a dynamic group of people with totally different personalities, which makes it a very pleasant working environment. This diversity, together with my preference to work in a male-dominated world and my passion for engineering that I developed during my experience in a mechanical construction company, make VINCI Energies the perfect match for me.