Greet Vanoppen: Senior Project Engineer Automation

The 37-year-old Greet Vanoppen works as a Senior Project Engineer Automation at Actemium. In her role, she oversees projects from A to Z: she drafts proposals and is responsible for the entire project setup, including planning, finances, technical aspects, and design. Additionally, she meticulously coordinates the execution and finalization of projects.

“What you learn in school is just the beginning:
it is only when you start your career that the world
truly opens up, providing plenty of opportunities to grow”

  • Name: Greet Vanoppen
  • Age: 37
  • Studies: Master in Industrial Engineering, with a specialization in Electromechanics (former Katholieke Hogeschool Sint-Lieven, Ghent)
  • Function: Senior Project Engineer Automation
  • Hobbies: Yoga, walking and cooking

How has the gender balance in the technical sector shifted during your career?

Greet: When I started, I only had male colleagues, but I didn’t realize it at the time. During my studies, I was one of the few women, and during my last year I was even the only woman. I was used to that. Now, compared to ten years ago, I do encounter more women, both among colleagues and customers. They also hold higher positions more often than before. Although I still mostly have male colleagues, a few years ago, a female colleague joined our team. I enjoy working with her because we understand each other’s ways of working better, especially in how we interact with customers. I always try to be empathetic and look at the situation from the customer’s perspective. A bit of give and take from both sides is always the best approach. I sometimes notice that male colleagues tend to be more assertive.

How can we ensure that women get equal opportunities in the recruitment process?

Greet: Employers should focus on the talents and capabilities of individuals. I don’t think we should recruit women just because they are women. We should hire them because they are capable. Women should have the opportunity to show that they are as competent as men for certain jobs. Everyone should be free to pursue the career they want, without being discouraged by what others think. Each person should decide for themselves which job suits them best. Moreover, it has been proven many times that diverse teams are more successful, and I can only confirm and fully support that.

How do you see your future at the company?

Greet: That’s a tough question because I feel like I have achieved what I wanted to achieve at the moment. However, I am very certain that I can continue to grow at VINCI Energies, either in a different department or in a different role. VINCI Energies is my first employer but I now hold a different position than when I started. Luckily, there are many options. My current role also offers a lot of variety. I collaborate with various teams and individuals, and that spans across different locations. This variety is what I enjoy most about my job. I also appreciate the flexible working hours, the option to work remotely, and the freedom to organize my own workdays. Along the way, I have truly learned the importance of being flexible and not holding onto what I learned in school too much. A job is like a whole different world. You can always learn what you haven’t learned yet, and you still have plenty of opportunities to grow. With dedication, you will get there no matter what.